how to make a new city feel like home

Over the years, I’ve moved around to different cities and I’d like to think I’ve learned a few things about making these new places home. From my time in New York City to Ocean City and even my time in Naples, there were plenty of times I felt like an outsider, but I definitely feel like I’ve learned some ways to help put down roots and make the transition easier!


Make it your Sanctuary

Build your nest and make it your sacred space. The place where you sleep should feel comforting and safe so get rid of anything that makes you have bad energy + make sure it’s filled with things that bring you those feelings.

Find your Local Faves

Get to know your neighborhood. Explore what’s around and visit local coffee shops, make it a goal to eat at new eateries, try a new local workout class or stop by small boutiques. The people who own and work at these businesses put so much love into their places and it really is such a good way to get to know the community and find people who like the things you like.

Find your People

This is one of the harder things to do, especially if you work remotely. If you’re in the office, definitely lean into coworkers! For friends outside of work, try a new class or hobby in the area.

*if you live on the east coast, check out Coastal Social Hour, we have a ton of women up and down the coast and is the perfect place to meet new friends!

Go to events in your city/Network

Lots of cities have events and community gatherings to support networking. Check in with your new city (follow them on socials!) for different events that are of interest. I know it can be scary to go alone, but look on the brightside…its not like anyone knows you there so if it’s not your jam, you dont have to feel guilty about leaving or not going back again.

Find out what you love to do on your own

Being in a new city forces you to spend time on your own and although scary, it really is an essential part of getting to know ourselves. Take yourself out to lunch or dinner, head to a movie or show, even just shutting out the world and going for a solo walk - anything that forces you to slow down and spend time with yourself and your feelings!

Find time to still connect with your family

Just because you moved, doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected. FaceTime is a great way to check-in with each other that feels a little more intimate than texting. Make sure you set a date on the calendar to count down for them to visit- having something to look forward always helps the time pass.

Moving to a new city will help you grow as a person in so many ways as you become more independent, versatile, flexible, understanding, and adaptable. We all know life begins when you leave your comfort zone! I’d love to hear where some of you are planning to move – comment in the comments section below

If you’re new to Ocean City, WELCOME! I started Coastal Social Hour to help those looking for friends to come together and meet one another and get more acquainted with the community. You can follow here and join our conversation over in the Free Geneva Group!


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